After many wilderness expeditions, the Jacobi family turned their passion for adventure and daydreams of a family business into reality. They started with a blank canvas of jungle in 2005, rolled up their sleeves, and slowly created the Tailwind Jungle Lodge. Over a decade later, the family continues to work, play and thrive together in the Mexican jungle. They are eager to share their jungle home with you! The creation of the lodge has been the most rewarding and challenging adventure that the family has undertaken—they have come a long way since their daydreams in the wilds. Read more about their journey in our upcoming book Wildpreneurs: Turning Passion into Business (published by HarperCollins Leadership).
Jacobi family adventures have included:
Mountain Biking 2000 miles of the USA's Continental Divide
Mountaineering Pico De Orizaba (Elevation 18,491 ft, highest peak in Mexico)
Sea Kayaking 900 miles of the Baja's Sea of Cortez
Backpacking California's John Muir Trail (220 miles)
Vermont's Long Trail (270 miles)

Why the Name "Tailwind"?
After battling many headwinds on their adventures (kayaking and biking), the Jacobi family has decided that life is always much more enjoyable with the wind at your back. Thus, the name Tailwind (also the name of our new sailboat!). Where will the wind blow us?
Meet Your Hosts
El Tigre
Tigre Jacobi >>

Builder Designer, Sailing/Kayak Guide & Lifelong Dreamer
A lifelong dreamer, adventurer, builder, and traveler, Tiger has been visiting this stretch of Mexican Pacific for the last 40 years. When he found this spectacular piece of jungle, he knew this was home. He has passed his genuine love and appreciation for the natural living along to his family. Tiger is delighted to now have a jungle canvas where he can apply his Swiss Family Robinson style building ideas! For Tiger, the creation of the Tailwind Jungle Lodge is a lifelong dream fulfilled. When he's not working around the lodge, Tiger is leading sea kayaking and sailing tours. He can't wait to get you out on the water!
Judi began life humbly as 1 of 6 kids in Alaska. Her father was a commercial fisherman and Judi's fondest memories were of summers spent at our very remote fishing camp. In this wild and beautiful place, flanked by snow caped mountains, she and her family lived with bald eagles, whooping cranes, beluga whales and seals. The camp was accessible only by small plane or boat. There was no power or plumbing and they collected rainwater for drinking, etc. Living so close to nature planted a seed in Judi that has endured.
When Judi and her husband, Tiger, started a family, they backpacked, biked, kayaked and canoed with the goal of leaving civilization behind and instilling a love of nature in their children. In 2005, this beautiful piece of jungle captured their hearts. Through the arduous process of obtaining legal right to the land, Judi promised the powers of the universe that she and her family would carve out a place to dwell here in the most delicate way possible with the natural setting as her first priority. Judi says "This vow has now given my life a most wonderful purpose. With like-minded family members, I am committed to sharing this special place with guests from afar as well as the local community. Our mission is also to be an example to others building in this delicate jungle environment."
Jungle Judi
Judi Jacobi >>

Hostess, Yoga Teacher, Community Outreach
The Jungle Girl
Tamara Jacobi >>

Manager, Hostess, Guide
& Writer
Tamara wrote up in the business plan for the Tailwind Jungle Lodge during her final semester at Middlebury College, VT in 2007. She's been working and playing in jungle ever since! When Tamara's not greeting guests and retreats at the lodge, she's guiding sea kayaking or writing. Tamara is the author of Wildpreneurs: Turning Passion into Business (published by HarperCollins Leadership), a must read for free-spirits considering blazing their own trails through business.
Walter embodies the flow of the Jacobi family tradition from mountain lover to ocean addict. Walter's background spans from ski instructor & mountain guide, to environmental/sustainability consultant & graduate school in marine conservation ecology, to ocean-based adventure guide & USCG certified Master boat captain. Walter has guided for surf lodges, designed and led eco-friendly and educational tours, captained sailboat adventures, and has a natural knack for designing trips to suit each client.
Walter is joining Tailwind to assist as a guide and to further develop our ocean-based exploration. Walter's experience with adventure planning & guiding, personalized instruction, and extensive knowledge of marine environments - in addition to his personal passion for protecting and preserving the environment - offers adventurers a unique opportunity to learn and play on the Mexican Pacific and beyond. www.sailwind.org
Captain Walter
Walter Wright >>

Surf & Sail - Adventure Guid, Expedition Leader, and Sustainability Guru
Love Notes
Aspen, CO
Thank you from the bottom of my heart for building this beautiful sanctuary and opening your hearts to allow the rest of us to enjoy it with you. I will certainly miss the beauty of waking up to such a serene environment, but will always keep the memories of this place in my heart :). Thank you for the wonderful hospitality!
Liz Deleo
We fell in love with San Pancho, Los Muertos, the jungle, Tailwind, Mexico, all of it and were in a total trance the whole time, maybe just being able to be that quiet. Thank you and your family so so much for creating a place that can allow humans to still experience that kind of magic! Thank you guys a million, it was true luxury, and a honeymoon we will of course never forget.